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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-14 14:17:13 查看次数:

Hotel outside several of the most important public?
    Exterior public covers a very wide, the following is the hotel's most important the amount of several external public.
   (1) Guests hotel directly, the state of the most influential public groups, hotels and guest relations, not only determines the reality of guest satisfaction, but also influence potential guests the option to purchase. Guests in terms of the public group, the coordinating role of the hotel public relations, first of all communication with the guests, this communication work is not only a large number of extremely important; must always establish the customer, the guest is always right business idea, according to guests the requirements of the establishment and improvement of services and facilities; attaches great importance to the guests' complaints, really to do with the guests to communicate with each other, mutual trust, promoted by mutual progress.
   (2) The news media is the hotel's external public, has an important role for the hotel to enhance visibility and image transmission. With the news media to build and maintain a close cooperative relationship, valuable information is communicated to the public through the mass media to attract public attention to understand the hotel to promote the sales of products and services.
    The hotel can provide a wide range of material to the news media:
    Outstanding achievements and experience in business management, hotel or staff for the community's contribution, reward;
    Hotel a major event, such as the completion of new facilities, the anniversary celebration;
    Celebrities stayed throughout the event, the more famous characters. More able to explain the reputation of your hotel hehe, the more the media focal point;
    The reception can cause the public interest groups and events, such as the important international conferences;
    Held in the hotel's various activities, such as large-scale exhibition, fashion show, fashion shows and other special activities;
    The hotel fund-raising to finance the public good deeds.
   (3) Travel Agency is one of the Hotel external public relations focus public group, hotels and travel agencies to establish a mutually beneficial relationship of cooperation, will give the hotel a stable source. Hotels in the relationship between processing and travel agencies should do:
    And travel agents to maintain close contact, often provide a variety of information to travel agents, including the annual report, product and service information, promotional materials;
    Organization travel agency staff to visit the hotel, use, feelings, and evaluation of products and services of the hotel;
    Provide for travel agents booking differentiate;
    According to travel agents booking number will be rewarded;
    Assist travel agents to carry out promotional activities;
    Seek the views of the travel agency for hotel work.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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