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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-25 10:57:38 查看次数:


The hotel will choose how the size and marketing channels? The choice of hotel marketing channel mode
    A hotel to choose what kind of marketing channels, direct marketing, mainly through intermediaries sales, hotel facing a choice. Such as brokers, also need to determine the length and width of a channel, short channel is the use of travel agents and travel distributors layer channels is required for long channels are related to tourism wholesalers; wide caliber of the channels at the same level only selected a few competent intermediaries, to establish close contact in order to achieve greater market share in a target market, but also to strengthen the control of the channel. How to choose, the need to consider the following factors:
   (1) market characteristics
    The capacity of the tourism market, to buy high and low frequency, geographical distribution of all segments of the population distribution, as well as the reaction of the different markets for different marketing, these markets are characterized by 51 does not affect the choice of hotel channel model. If the target market size is very large, for the convenience of our customers booking more middlemen wide channels to achieve greater market coverage. Orders often come from small quantities of reservation, you need a longer period of marketing channels, and large quantities of group bookings and conference booking, often through a broker, or contact reservations directly with the hotel by the organizers, the channel is very short. If a hotel guest is concentrated in certain areas, they should consider the establishment of the offices of the hotel directly in the ground, zero-channel direct sales. On the contrary, if hotel customers scattered around the world, you need more travel brokers sales agent. In addition, the attitude of the customers of different marketing methods that should be considered factors such as the development of network technology, online booking for its convenient welcomed by customers, the hotel industry should actively join the electronic reservation system.
   (2) the characteristics of hotel products and services
    Business hotels should adopt the direct sales or shorter channels, direct contact with the target market for companies; resort hotel its target market fragmentation, more travel agents. With different products and services of a hotel's distribution channels are also different: the rooms are the main products of the hotel reservations, use of intermediate links, and its dining, entertainment and fitness facilities are the focus for hotel guests and local residents and businesses direct marketing and sales.
   (3) Hotel conditions and management intent
    A hotel the size of its maximum reception capacity, and it received customer scale and level of distribution of its channel selection. For example, a hotel room for 500, assuming that all rental throughout the year, the occupancy rate of 100% (without regard to the double rate and from the arrival time difference caused by more than 100% occupancy rate), its maximum reception capacity of 365 000 people (365 days a year, each room occupancy is 2 dollars); and one of only 50 room hotel, the maximum reception capacity of 36,500 people. Narrow channels will naturally than the former.
    Resources of the hotel also determines the choice and control of marketing channels. Strength thin small hotel with Germany to rely on travel agents to bring tourists to reduce the expenses of marketing activities, while the strength of the hotel, although the use of travel agents, but also attaches great importance to the recommendations of its own channels, such as set up offices in the target market area direct sales at the Hotel in cooperation with travel agencies, but also more than the small hotel control over. Some hotels, especially international hotel, but also the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism, the travel agency group, Meet the group's business into its own system.
    The choice of hotel marketing channels naturally can not be contrary to the intent of the overall business of the hotel. If the hotel hopes to maintain its luxury, upscale image, it will minimize the tour groups and guests of the meeting, more direct way to the target market promotional activities. Or some hotel brokers credibility. Image very seriously, the target market is also very selective, you should consider strengthening the hotel's own sales ability and shorter marketing channels.
    The quality of hotel marketing personnel will also affect channel selection. Such as the hotel itself is limited marketing power, do not have foreign sales conditions (such as the appropriate professional knowledge, fluent in foreign language proficiency, negotiation and marketing experience, etc.), the best or commissioned sales agent for travel agents or other travel intermediaries.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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