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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-14 11:42:28 查看次数:

    1.President Wilson 酒店。地点:日内瓦,房价:President Wilson 酒店的皇帝套房就再理想不过了。该皇帝套房所有的门和窗都是用防弹玻璃制作的,而且只有1扇正对着1部私人电梯的门。酒店的工作人员都是经过训练的,其嘴巴会自动“封”起来,所有你不用担心有谁会泄密。另外,该皇帝套房有4个卧室,且都能观赏到日内瓦湖,餐厅能容纳26人同时就餐,而起居室同时容纳40个人还显得很宽松。
    2.Lagoniss 度假村。地点:雅典,房价:王室套房每晚15600美元。Lagoniss 度假村的王室套房是只有希腊王的后后裔及其竞争者等极少数巨富们能消费得起的度假消闲地。该王室套房实际上是一栋独立的小别墅,有一个双人卧室、餐厅和私人的按摩室,厨房里还有一个私人的员工入口处。另外,还配有独立的室内泳池、蒸汽浴室、桑拿室。除此之外,还有一个商务中心和供房客泊船的私人码头。
    4.Martinez 酒店。地点:戛纳,房价:总统套房每晚21500美元。Martinez 酒店最喜欢拿出来炫耀的就是其在科特达祖尔地区最大的、最贵的、唯一有楼顶露台的两套总统套房,同时也是全欧洲最贵的酒店房间之一。这两套复试套房,位于酒店的顶楼,房间飘出来的露台足有2000平方英尺宽,能容纳110人,并能眺望到整个的戛纳湾及周边岛屿。套房装修业透露出艺术的品位,并配有土耳其式的浴室、厨房、个人桑拿室。
    5.Elouda Beach 酒店,地点:克里特岛,房价:皇帝套房每晚19000美元,足有11000平方英尺宽的Elouda Beach 酒店皇帝套房不像是一个酒店套间,倒更像是一个宽敞的公寓。该皇帝套房有卧室、大型的会议室、发射室以及厨房,另外,还配有独立的泳池、栽满了味道清香的柠檬树和橘子树的私家花园,客人还可以在花园里烧烤。
    6.Caladi Volpe 酒店。地点:哥斯达斯玛拉达。又名“翡翠海岸”,房价:总统套房每晚18800美元。哥斯达斯玛拉达在意大利撒丁岛对出海岸,目前丑闻缠身并遭起诉的Tyco公司前董事长丹尼斯•科罗斯基2001年花费了公司210万美元基金在这里为其妻举办了一次豪华生日派对,引来外界一片指责之声。自从AgaKH家族在20世纪60年代买下这块地皮,酒店VI设计和酒店服务完美的建成今天这个幽雅的度假胜地后,这里就成了富人们的私人活动场所。该总统套房位于酒店的塔楼内,带露台,有3个卧室、3个浴室、1个起居室以及1个室外盐水泳池。除此之外,还有独立的露台和日光浴室。
    7.Plaza 酒店。地点:纽约,房价:总统套房每晚15000美元。目前,纽约收费最昂贵的酒店房间当属Plaza酒店的总统套房,该总统套房位于该酒店的第18层,几乎囊括了整层楼,其建筑风格近似于法国城堡,以往曾被用做美食杂志的测试厨房。该总统套房有5个卧室、5个半浴室、2个起居和一个能收藏2000支葡萄就的地窑。
The most luxurious and most expensive hotel, to make a ranking in the world's most expensive hotel room
    Tower located in Dubai, "Arabic" may be termed the world's most luxurious hotel, stay at $ 7,500 a day, and only visit $ 120. However, the price of hotel rooms to make Arab tower of shame, well-known U.S. financial magazine "Forbes" has published the world's seven highest paid hotel room, their prices are really staggering.
    1.President Wilson Hotel. Location: Geneva, house prices: President Wilson hotel suite of the Emperor is ideal, however. The Emperor Suite all the doors and windows are made with bullet-proof glass, and only one facing the door of a private elevator. The hotel staff are trained, the mouth closed ", all you have to worry about who will leak. In addition, the emperor suite has four bedrooms, and can watch the Lake Geneva, the restaurant can accommodate 26 people at a time, while the living room accommodate 40 individuals also appeared to be very loose.
    2.Lagoniss resort. Location: Athens, house prices: Royal Suite $ 15,600 per night. Lagoniss resort royal suites Only after the Greek king of the descendants of its competitors, such as a very small number of wealthy who can afford the holiday and leisure places. The royal suite is actually a separate cottage, one double bedroom, dining room and private massage rooms, a private kitchen staff at the entrance. In addition, features indoor swimming pool, steam room, sauna. In addition, there is a business center for guest berthing private dock.
    (3) Atlantic Hotel. Location: Bahamas, house prices: "The Bridge" (Bridge) Suite $ 25,000. Reason why this expensive Atlantic suites are referred to as the "bridge" suites, because of the 10 rooms have just combined into a bridge, "frame" between the twin towers of the hotel, and the style is very fashionable and lively, cited of attention. The "bridge" suites by hand to take care of, with a bar, entertainment center and kitchen. It is worth mentioning is that its there are separate male and female bathrooms for male and female guests use.
    4.Martinez hotel. Location: Cannes, Rates: Presidential Suite $ 21,500 per night. Martinez Hotel is favorite to show off in the Cote d'Azur region's largest, most expensive, the only roof terrace, two presidential suites, while all of Europe's most expensive hotel room. These two sets of re-examination suite, located on the top floor of the room floating out on the terrace full 2000 square feet wide and can accommodate 110 people and overlooks Cannes Bay and the surrounding islands. Suite decoration industry reveals the taste of the arts, and is equipped with Turkish-style bathroom, kitchen, personal sauna.
    5.Elouda Beach hotel, location: Crete, house prices: the emperor suites at $ 19,000 per night, full 11,000 square feet the Elouda Beach Hotel Emperor suites like a hotel suite, more like a spacious apartment . The emperor suite bedrooms, large conference room, the firing room and kitchen, in addition, also has a separate pool, taste the fragrance of lemon and orange trees, private gardens were planted, guests can also barbecue in the garden.
    6.Caladi Volpe, Hotel. Location: 哥斯达斯玛 Lada. Also known as the "Emerald Coast" Rates: Presidential Suite $ 18,800 per night.哥斯达斯玛 Lada in Sardinia, Italy on the coast, the 2001 scandal indicted former Tyco chairman Dennis Colorado Sharansky spent $ 2.1 million fund for his wife held Luxury birthday party, which lead to the outside world to an accused of the sound. Since the the AgaKH in the 1960s, the family bought this land and built this elegant resort, became a rich people's private places. The Presidential Suite is located in the hotel tower, with a terrace, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living room and an outdoor saltwater pool. In addition, there is a separate terrace and solarium.
    7.Plaza hotel. Location: New York Rates: Presidential Suite $ 15,000 per night. Currently, the fees are the most expensive hotel room in New York was undoubtedly the Plaza Hotel's Presidential Suite The Presidential Suite is located in 18th floor of the hotel, almost covering the whole floor, its architectural style is similar to the French chateau, in the past been used as food magazines the test kitchen. The presidential suite has five bedrooms, five bathrooms, two living and a collection of 2000 grape ground kiln.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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