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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-10 10:44:30 查看次数:

Operating a hotel product pricing principles, objectives, based on attention to the processes and issues
Hotel product pricing principles
   (1) hotel product prices must be based on the true value of the hotel product to develop.
   (2) the pricing of hotel products must adapt to changes in market demand relationship. When the market supply and demand changes for hotel products, hotel products, prices will focus on its value to be adjusted accordingly.
   (3) hotel product prices should remain relatively stable. Because the hotel prices to some extent, on behalf of the image of the hotel in the market, prices change frequently give consumers the impression of instability of hotel operators to enable consumers to lose confidence in the hotel. General a longer period of time in advance before changing given the volatility should not be too large, generally less than 15%.
   (4) the price of the hotel product should also be some flexibility. Although the hotel product prices remain stable, but it is not always the same, the point remains unchanged. First, the price of the tourism market itself has a strong seasonal fluctuations, the hotel product should have the distinction of the off-season and peak season; for individual and team guests should take a different price.
   (5) the price of the hotel product to accept the adjustment of national policies. The price of tourism products must first meet the magistrate provisions of the National Tourism administrative departments and industry associations. In the special period, such as major festivals such as Golden Week period, relevant departments will be implemented on the hotel product limit management, hotel taking fully into account when adjusting prices.
The basic procedures of the hotel product pricing
   (1) clear the hotel's pricing objectives
    Pricing goal is the role played by the hotel set the price in the long-term plans, the foundation of a hotel business objectives, the hotel know the basis of the pricing strategy and selection of pricing methods in the course of business, the hotel's pricing objectives will directly affect the business decisions of the various functional departments, so we must first determine the hotel price target profit, or expand market share, etc., provide the basis for the choice behind the pricing methods and pricing strategies, but also for the operation of various departments to provide a unified guidance.
   (2) in-depth market research.
    We must first find the hotel's target market under the premise of market segmentation, and in-depth understanding of the target market's purchasing power and buying habits to accurately determine the market demand.
   (3) analysis of the hotel product cost structure.
     The hotel cost of the product in general, including buildings, facilities and equipment, labor and salaries. Rooms as the hotel is the most important product, the costs include the cost of repairs of the following expenses: hotel room service labor costs, depreciation costs of the room, a variety of equipment depreciation costs, the cost of all consumables, hotel business operating expenses, hotel operation and management costs, and all to carry on insurance costs.
   (4) analysis of factors affecting hotel prices.
   (5) pricing strategy.
   (6) to select the pricing method.
   (7) to determine the price of the hotel product
Hotels in the business process need to consider the pricing of several
   (1) Hotel in mind product development, or hotel product to find new sales channels or sales market.
   (2) hotel market supply and demand conditions change.
   (3) The hotel is facing stiff competition should be considered when will the price be adjusted timely.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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