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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-09 11:40:41 查看次数:


Market research hotel product demand-oriented pricing
    Demand-oriented pricing is no longer based on the cost-based pricing, but based on customer understanding and knowledge of hotel products. Demand-oriented pricing concept of market-oriented product, which includes the understanding of the value of pricing and demand for differential pricing method.
(1) understand the value pricing
    Understand the value pricing is based on consumers' perception of the hotel product value and recognize the value of the level of pricing. This method, the price of a hotel product in the market and the product quality, service levels, in the eyes of the customer has a certain value. Hotel sales price of their products and customer perceived value is consistent with the hotel's products successful sell out of key, so if a hotel would like to use this approach to pricing of their products, you must do the following two :
   (1) the price of the hotel product to try to move closer to the subjective perception of the customer. This requires hotels to use a variety of means of market research and marketing experience, and as comprehensively as possible to collect the customer's evaluation of their hotel price, in order to develop the hotel with a reasonable price to provide strong support and the basis for
   (2) Hotel to try to change the customer's subjective valuation, which requires the hotel to use a variety of marketing tools, reasonable and modest guide the customer to change the customer's established value criteria, and thus to a certain extent, and Hotel to develop the existing price of recognition.
    However, it should be pointed out that now many hotels do not use this pricing method, pricing or unconsciously refer to the sales price of the products of other hotels with the file, so that the products of each hotel in the invisible there is a parity this parity relationship is based on perceived value.
(2) demand differential pricing
    The basic theory of the demand differential pricing a product or service, and work out two or more prices, the use of different market segments in the various demand intensity. For example, the famous more than a dozen five-star hotel has rooms of different grades of standard Rack Rate, to meet different customer needs, such as pricing for foreigners, the Chinese and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots do not. If in case there is no competition, decided to spread the principles are the most practical interests, while not caused by customer dissatisfaction as a standard. If you have a competition, some hotels use this method, the lowest level of price lower than the lowest competitor's price, so that not only can make their own among the competition in the market is in the hotel an advantageous position, they can obtain a higher economic efficiency. However, the hotel in the demand differential pricing to pay attention to the following questions:
   (1) Level difference is the concrete application of the principle according to quality. Hotel rooms in all aspects of different levels, such as size, decor, location, orientation, structure and internal facilities and equipment should be reflected in the price difference between the price classification should reflect the room level, make the customer believe that the rooms The difference between the pricing is reasonable.
   (2) the difference between size of the level of difference to be appropriate. This is the different levels within the hotel room prices do not differ too much, much different, make different guests have different psychological and emotional, and live in high-end rooms, customers may feel their own consumption is too high, while the The rooms of housing to withstand the customer may have low self-esteem mentality, so that the high-end hotel and resist market have an adverse effect. In addition, some hotels with a fixed difference to determine the different levels of room, for example, the three levels is divided into 100 yuan, 90 yuan and 80 yuan. The difference of the two adjacent grades are fixed $ 10. Some hotels to determine the price equal to the percentage difference, for example, five levels of housing prices is 100 yuan, 120 yuan, 144 yuan, 173 yuan, 243 yuan. The difference of the adjacent grade are 20%, this way, the difference between the lower some prices is relatively small, tight supply in the hotel, guests originally received 100 yuan house prices will be able to receive 120 yuan of products . As for the choice of high-priced hotel rooms who, without too much care about the hotel room rates, hotel price high point of their stay would not have any impact. Obviously, these two methods, the latter has a clear competitive advantage.
   (3) hotel rates differential pricing method to be linked with market segmentation. For example, on the business FIT price picky less, in general, better prices than the team prices 10 percent to 20 percent higher, so the tourist hotels and business hotels should be based on their reception of the object set out in line with the actual difference, the specific assessment of the source markets, income level of their hotel in the formulation of the reasonable price of the hotel market positioning, thereby strengthening their position in the market segments and enhance the image.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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