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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-26 11:10:18 查看次数:

    将新产品概念化,就是要把对新产品的构想具体化,用文字、图形、模型、试验品将产品表现出来。新产品具体化后就可以 进行测试,测试新产品对酒店内部条件和外部环境的适应性,以及目标顾客对新产品的反应。通过测试在最初筛选的几个构想中确定一个最佳产品概念。

New hotel products, new designs, new ideas, new vision of the development process
1. Idea
    New products in the future some of the preliminary design, ideas, assumptions, portrayed by writing, including marketing activities to be carried out on new product plans.
2 Screening
    The idea is only a preliminary idea, by many, but a lot of vision can not be put into action. Hotel according to its own conditions, including the quality of personnel, the original product base, the available funds, the management system, including the hotel market in which the external environment, including market demand, market suppliers, market competition, to be a comprehensive measure by screening, and carefully make a decision.
(3) the formation of the product concept
    New product conceptualization, the idea is to bring new products, text, graphics, model, test products, the products shown. Specific new product after the test, test new products on the adaptability of the hotel internal conditions and external environment, as well as the target customer reactions to new products. Test to determine an optimal product concept idea of ??the initial screening.
(4) develop marketing strategies
    Best product concept is selected, the hotel marketing staff necessary to develop appropriate marketing strategies for new products: including an analysis of the target market size, market structure, market positioning, consumer behavior characteristics, expected sales volume and market share . To develop new products, price, select distribution channels, promotions, and make the marketing budget.
(5) business analysis
    Business analysis is the prediction of adaptability and development of new products in the market. The forecast includes product sales, costs, profits and yields. These not only need to describe, more accurate figures and market surveys, the exact results. This work requires the development of science technology and market research and analysis combined with the actual situation in the market for new products. Business analysis, to determine the new product development value, you can enter the formal development stage.
6. Product analysis
    New products must be strictly in accordance with the product concept to describe to develop, and strict control of development costs, in accordance with the business analysis data to implement, or front to develop the marketing strategy and business analysis can not play a guiding role. Hotel product as a service product development should not only pay attention to the effect of product entities, but also pay attention to the service in practical operation in coordination with various departments to ensure the smooth operation of the hotel new products.
7 market test marketing
    New hotel whether it be customer acceptance, production is functioning smoothly and orderly in a small area to test market. Product test marketing on the one hand to observe the degree of customer acceptance of new products, and evaluation of the product to modify and improve the shortage of local customers. The other hand, their own ability to provide products for testing, the hotel's own internal and external conditions to meet the supply requirements of the new product, which also need to coordinate. Furthermore, to check the contents of the business analysis, to see business analysis results are in line with actual operating conditions, the need for adjustment.
8 officially listed
    The new product test marketing in a customer a good evaluation and response, and a huge potential customer base, you can decide the listing. Listed to be successful, we must first choose the right timing of listing. Often competition to who can occupy a larger market. The listing of the selection and implementation of marketing strategies for the best target customer base, competition to the most influential customers.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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