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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-20 15:52:42 查看次数:

High-end resort hotel management, hotel product portfolio strategy
Desert Resort to sell what
    Atacama Desert in northern Chile, an upscale resort hotel. The hotel is only 52 rooms, with an average charge of $ 659 / per person / per night, by the "adventure" Hotel Management Group management. The selling point of the hotel is the adventure of its target market is the adventure tourists. 35 adventure activities organized by the hotels in the places of travel for customers, these activities include: walking, hiking, horseback riding, mountain climbing, rock climbing, driving adventure expedition. According to the average length of stay for adventure tourists, the hotel has launched a four days tour package price of $ 2,636 project. The package price includes four nights accommodation, a four-day costs of all food and adventure tourism activities, alcoholic extra charge. For security and management, not adventure a maximum of 10 participants. Every day before dinner customers to choose the content of the decision the next day's activities, the hotel accompanied by the appropriate guide and safety officer.
    Operating in this remote desert resort hotels, it is very important to create an atmosphere of an adventure tourism. For adventure tourism vacationers like to relax and enjoy the quiet hotel rooms equipped with TV and DVD player, only the satellite antenna to connect the phone. Voice heard in the Atacama Desert Hotel only birds and summer room old-fashioned ceiling fan whirring.
    The chef prepared a talk, for the adventure tourists fresh and tasty dishes. Fresh vegetables, fruits are shipped with daily flights, of course, these costs are calculated in the expensive prices.
    This 52 room resort hotel, the location far from the edge of the desert, the daily supply has a lot of inconvenience, but their products, services and programs designed in full compliance with their target market demand for adventure tourists. Therefore, their business was very successful, very good performance.
Thinking and Problems
    The ① case Desert Resort offers a number of functional projects? Each type of project there are many different variety of content?
    (2) Try the maps list the hotel's product portfolio to observe its breadth, length, depth, what characteristics of the tour, think about the success of the hotel business and product portfolio in place to contact.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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