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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-15 13:01:25 查看次数:


Chu-star hotel services are satisfied with the event!
    Chu and friends take a taxi just stopped in front of the hotel lobby, smiling doorman immediately went up, and Ju body sliding door greeting: "Welcome!" Chu and friends laughing way down the rental car, the doorman is ready to enter the hotel, Mr. Zhu said: "Sir, if you have forgotten briefcase?" Chu a, stop joking, and quickly said: "Ah, my briefcase, thank you, thank you "Doorman briefcase delivered to Mr Chu, also wrote a small piece of paper handed in the past, this small piece of paper written on taxi numbers. Then, the doorman quickly lead guests into the hotel lobby.
    Chu came to the vestibule reception. Designate receptionist politely: "Hello, welcome Is there no reservation?" Mr Chu said: "We have booked a standard room." The receptionist immediately Chu to produce documents, and skilled to access booking immediately for the guests on the check sheet is filled out, and Mr. Zhu prepaid deposit and signature, better to say: "Sir, your living room in 1803, this is your room card and keys, I wish you a pleasant stay." in Chu handle check, the porter always Gong Li in their side, care for the guests luggage.
    Porter came to the door of 1803 rooms with guests, room service quickly came over, smiling bow, the body said: "Hello, Welcome, Please show your room card." "Please come this way." Attendant knocked on the door and ; housekeeping, housekeeping, housekeeping ". Mr. Zhu said in surprise: "is not it?" This is the specification of our services. "Waiter opened the door, start with the room facilities and services; porter guests' luggage into the luggage plus, also found that the guests will suit took off his throwing hand on the bed, then walked over to the guests suit hanging in the closet. Room attendants and porters asked: "Chu, what need help?" Chu said happily: "No, thank you." "I wish you an enjoyable stay at the hotel!" And then two attendants leave to withdraw.
    Chu and friends after a day of travel, and very tired. When they are lying on the soft bed listening to the melodious music, enjoying a comfortable and luxurious interior decoration, remembering the whole process of entering the hotel, Mr. Zhu friend said with satisfaction: "This is the real star service ah!"
Thinking and practice
   (1) above case is the first hotel the trading process, the hotel with customers buying and selling products What is it? What's the difference with the other ordinary products?
   ② Hotel offers in the trading process, what? Which is what the guests the most fundamental needs?
   ③ The hotel guest satisfaction What are the factors?
   The ④ assume you are a hotel sales staff, the use of the hotel product knowledge, try to promote a hotel product to the guests, such as a luxury suite, a Christmas song and dance dinner.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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