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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-14 12:10:40 查看次数:


The difference between the four main strategy of the hotel marketing strategy and hotel marketing strategy and marketing strategy:
    Hotel marketing strategy is to use the theory of market economy, combined with the actual hotel industry, hotel enterprises in the fierce market competition, the success of the design, planning ideas and skills. Hotel marketing strategy there are four main strategies: product strategy (product), pricing strategy (price), sales channel strategy (place) and promotion strategy (promotion). Hotel daily marketing efforts on the basis of the analysis of market conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of the hotel, competitive threats and market opportunities to choose their own target market, no difference in market strategy. Differentiated marketing strategy or focus on market strategy to meet the needs of the target market; competitors to develop a competitive strategy; develop a growth strategy for their own advantage; taken into account and based on marketing strategy development and optimization of the four strategies, you can also select a or several strategies to be the combination of the marketing mix strategy, plans and actions to guide the formation of marketing activities.
    Hotel marketing mix strategy, the pursuit of the overall marketing effectiveness, to meet the needs of customers from the whole, the demand of modern marketing concept. Hotels to the most suitable products, the most appropriate price, unobstructed channel, using the most effective promotional tools to best meet the needs of customers, and get the best value for money.
   (1) Strategy: The hotel offers to the target market of products and services. The main room products, catering products, recreational products.
   (2) pricing strategy: Hotels in economic returns for the sale of products and services, including basic price, discount price, method of payment.
   (3) channel strategy: hotel product available to target markets through the middle of the process, including distribution channels, intermediaries, etc.
   (4) promotional strategy: the hotel using a variety of media to target market, promotional and sales activities, including marketing, advertising, public relations.
The difference of the hotel marketing strategy and marketing strategy
    Strategy, from the theory of war, the general guidelines to guide the overall situation of war, the general line was later used to refer to the relationship between global approach, route. From the marketing activities, business strategy, enterprises in market competition to guide the overall approach, the general line for the competitors. Previously described target marketing strategy, market competition strategy, the hotel's growth strategy revolves around the competitors.
    The main principles of the strategy: analysis of their own strengths and weaknesses of the competitors part, then the principle of Tian Ji's horse racing, try to use part of their own advantages and vulnerable part of the opponent to go than to recognize their own weak part, and weakening this part will The main effort on the part of their own advantages and guide the competitors go than part with their own advantages. The Boston Matrix is ??the hotel to analyze your business situation in a way.
    Marketing strategy and marketing strategies are different but related. Strategy for the hotel business in the market competition found the right direction, while the strategy for the realization of the strategic and day-to-day marketing methods to distinguish between strategy and tactics to help business thinking is clearer, more decisive action, making the firm's strategic and flexible The strategy to get a high degree of unity, so that enterprises in the fierce market competition, more leisurely retreat evidence.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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