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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-09 14:46:55 查看次数:


Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors of hotel marketing strategy, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
A hotel target marketing strategy
    Hotels in the analysis of their own and competitors' strengths and weaknesses, we should avoid the vulnerable part, the main effort on the part of their own advantage, than try to use part of their own advantages and vulnerable part of the competitors to, and guide the opponents part of their own advantage to go than that. According to their own advantage, select the appropriate strategy for the target market. Alternative strategy of target marketing, mainly whether the differences in marketing strategy, the difference in marketing strategy and focus on marketing strategy.
   (1) no difference in marketing strategy
    Market as a whole, without distinction as hotel marketing target market. The hotel using the strategy that the customer of its products or services have the same needs, simply providing a product and a set of marketing programs, will be able to meet all customer needs.
    Its advantages are:
    Eliminating the need for market segmentation accordingly to save market research costs and advertising costs, and reduce costs in order to achieve economies of scale.
    Rise the ② hotel brand for brand-name customer loyalty to hotel brands, long-term occupation of the market.
    The disadvantage is that:
    Hotel customers' needs are diverse, single product is not easy to attract customers with specialty products, may also be other hotels to imitate, intensified competition.
    ② customer in which the socio-economic situation, personal interests, and lifestyles continue to change, demand for hotel products is also changing. Such as catering, customers are increasingly seeking more taste options, especially foreign consumers. Therefore, no difference in marketing strategy suited to the needs of modern hotel development.
   (2) differences in marketing strategy
    According to different customers have different demand characteristics, to divide the overall market, then design a different product or service characteristics of each market segment, respectively, and using different marketing tools, to meet the specific needs of each customer. Such as the hotel restaurant for the customers' needs, divided in the restaurant, Western restaurant, ethnic style restaurant.
    Its advantages are:
    ① The strategy is a product of market competition, it can better meet customers' needs, making the hotel to have higher sales in each segment; to meet different customer needs, enhance customer trust the hotel. to gain more customer loyalty, and to expand the corporate reputation, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the hotel.
    ② divided into several segments, enhance hotel's adaptability and ability to resist risks.
    The disadvantage is that:
    ① multiple market segments require the hotel has a variety of sales channels and sales methods as well as publicity and sales promotion, research and development expenses, administrative expenses, selling expenses, and so therefore increase will inevitably lead to increased costs, increase investment.
    ② hotel products and services complex project, using the strategy of product variety, a small number, it is difficult to achieve economies of scale.
    ③ Because of the high cost of investment, business scope, hotel operation and management difficulties, launch products and services unable to meet its customers' needs, the enterprises will suffer a terrible loss.
   (3) focus on marketing strategy
    Select one or several target markets on the basis of market segmentation, the hotel, and then focus all of human, material and financial resources, to take a means of marketing mix to serve the most potential and resilience target market. The strategy is often the small and medium-sized hotel with limited resource capacity, it is difficult to compete with the large hotels in the larger market, and to seek to obtain a larger market share in a smaller market segments depends mainly on the Featured Product achieve better value for money.
    Its advantages are:
    ① help the hotel to concentrate on playing a battle of annihilation, a competitive advantage in a particular market.
    ② The Hotel and improve resource utilization, and can save marketing costs and cost savings.
    To establish a solid foundation for the ③ hotels in a specific target market, help to improve visibility, and to compete with large enterprises.
    The disadvantage is that:
    ① hotel resources are too concentrated in certain market segments, business risk, once the target market decline in demand, or competitors to a dominant market hotel sales drop, may be a substantial loss.
    ② If the hotel in a particular market segment has established its own position, it is difficult to change the market's image to attract new customers.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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