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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-04-07 12:06:11 查看次数:


Want to win the position, then depending on what kind of marketing strategy in the logo design?
Scheduled for the 29th Olympic Games held since the day from Beijing North, large manufacturers around the world put China set for their 2008 advertising arena. W action in Kentucky's "victory" in the timely roll out nationwide. W is the English

Win (win), "the first letter, just put together the shape of two wings, in the appeal of" Come on, China ", KFC successful promotion of the Olympic Games, the new chicken wings" Wings of Victory ".
    After the commencement of the marketing campaign, the Victory W Action "brings together 34 cities in the patriotic volunteers, all volunteers side by side to form a human wall to put the most urban characteristics victory in the W Ultimately, the most unusual W shape in 34 to flash

Bright debut, both Sparkling Red Star, Pentium dragon, also about to set off the anchors, artful Mirs. Subsequently, for these W shape, but also launched the voting mechanism audition.
    At the same time, the hotel logo design for the event launched a dedicated official website, the event mechanism, website design, functionality and digital marketing has done quite a place.
    Sina "victory" forum, tens of thousands of users use their brains to tap W victory meaning, to design the W-shaped victory sign, looking for city life, in sports events in an instant, for their own cities, the W shape to offer offer

    Implementation: the standardization of services
    Because services are intangible. Characteristics of the non-uniform and indivisible, and service companies are struggling to want the service to become visible, and the same as material products to achieve standardization. Kentucky on a global scale to promote the "CHAMPS" champion

I bring a standard, stable and reliable service to customers.
    Marketing: positioning accuracy to win
    First of all, the Kentucky family members to target customers, the focus of marketing is easy to accept the foreign culture, the fresh young things. Therefore, in children in Kentucky has spent a lot of energy, such as in the shop to open up the children's dining area,

Arrangement to meet the children's favorite decorations, holidays, equipped with toys and other gifts. Kentucky always wanted to create a family meal with a festive atmosphere, the emphasis is to enhance customer value.
    Secondly, the product side, Kentucky located in the world-famous cooking chicken expert "," delicious cooked chicken, in Kentucky, which is also on the positioning of KFC and McDonald's the biggest difference between. 60 years of the experience of cooking chicken fried chicken cook out of the Department of

Line products, such as the flavor of chicken, spicy chicken wings, fresh crispy chicken burgers, with its unique delicious taste widely praised for the customer.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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