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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-25 13:43:45 查看次数:

Like the bun? The buns marketing has also been a sense of crisis.
North buns Hangzhou setback
    When a large restaurant in Hangzhou record sales buns a new record of more than 10,000, Hangzhou to make a bun shop (opened a restaurant group in Tianjin, Hangzhou branch) puts downstairs 2/3 of the business area to sell to a garment enterprises . Business area has been reduced, but the store operation is still bleak, business is deteriorating.
    The buns brand is owned by a restaurant group a hundred years old, well-known in the country, especially in northern China more appeal, but it is why Hangzhou shrift it?
    The bun shop is located in Hangzhou prime commercial, steamed buns, of course authentic, and its distinct characteristics (thin-skinned dumplings taste delicious bite juice cross-flow) Hang reputation Divine. Is worth noting that the matter of the bun shop in Hangzhou frustrated precisely because its own distinctive features.
    First, the buns not to the taste of Hangzhou citizens. Buns stuffed greasy, Hangzhou people mostly light taste, and therefore few people will be buns as a regular fast food to enjoy.
    Secondly, the buns is not to the habits of the people of Hangzhou. Northerners the buns as a staple food, Hangzhou buns as a convenient fast-food treat, often while eating in a hurry, hurry, even if not in a hurry, ate and shopping habits. This buns due to water filling, thin-skinned, bite then the flow of juice, so you can not eat in his hand, only to sit down, to eat with chopsticks.
    In sharp contrast to this north buns is a large restaurant in Hangzhou Southern package ". This package is just past practice development. Whole wheat flour with imported purple orchid pollen, to improve the fermentation process, and fillings do change, the effect is surprisingly good, welcomed by the vast number of consumers in Hangzhou, and even attracted customers platoon leader on the purchase. To further meet the needs of the market, the South big bag production centers according to different season, different levels of consumption, the introduction of a series of varieties of different specifications, innovation and a number of small snacks varieties to become the new choice of guesthouses, hotels, restaurants, family . After several years of development, the Southern package with uniform formulations, uniform standards, uniform price for the basic requirements for development in Hangzhou, a hundred points of sale amounted to more than 20 associates across the country.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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