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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-22 15:13:23 查看次数:

In marketing hotel signage design questionnaires pay attention to what issues?
Opening of a questionnaire
    The opening of the questionnaire must be carefully treated to be asked in a friendly tone, the wording should be carefully learn, do the words concise, cordial and sincere, checked by voluntary cooperation with seriously fill

Good questionnaire.
(2) the wording of the problem (language)
    Different words would respondents have different effects, so tend to look almost the same problem, due to the wording, leaving the respondents for different reactions.

Make a different answer. Therefore, the wording of the problem must be carefully chosen so as not to affect the accuracy of the answers. In general, hotel signage design should pay attention to the following points:
   (1) to avoid the general problem. If the original purpose of the problem is to strike a certain self-information, but since the issue is too general, so that the answers provided by respondents information without much sense

    For example: a hotel would like to know visitors to the Hotel Accommodation and satisfied with the service, thus making the following questions:
    Of the hotel you satisfied?
    This problem is clearly not specific. Room facilities and services involves two issues because of the required information, it should be asked. In order to avoid confusion, such as:
    Satisfied with the facilities of your hotel room?
    You satisfied with the services of this hotel?
   (2) the language of the questionnaire to be colloquial, in line with the habit of talking to people, avoid written and literary tone.
Select and order problem
    Usually the first few issues questionnaire can be open-ended questions designed to make the answer a lot of speech, to express their views, respondents feel very comfortable, unfettered, to give full play to self-

Their own opinions. When the topic of respondents, with the strange distance between the investigators naturally shortened. However, pay attention to open problems originally scheduled to be easier to answer, not a highly sensitive

Nature such as trapped Cave sexual problems. Or the beginning was to refuse to answer the future challenge is to continue. So the question easy to answer and have fun, aimed at raising the interest of respondents.

The core issue is often placed in the questionnaire the middle part of the classification issues such as income, occupation, age is usually placed on the end of the questionnaire
    The order of the questionnaire are generally arranged according to the following rules:
   (1) easy to answer the question put in front of the more difficult to answer the question put to later trapped Cave sexual problems put behind, the fact that issues of personal data put the capuchin.
   (2) Closed questions put in front of freestyle problems put behind. Freestyle problems often need time to consider answers and language organizations, on the front will cause the boredom of the respondents

   (3) pay attention to the logical sequencing of questions, arranged in chronological order, class, order, etc. reasonable.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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