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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-14 14:13:15 查看次数:

  VI design of the similarities and differences between the hotel Internet marketing and hotel!
The difference between network marketing model and the traditional marketing model:
    In September 2009, the closure of an E-mail is sent to the 7 days will be members of the mailbox, whose theme is "autumn stay at the 7 Days Inn in October, enjoy the triple gift" in the message body has a "gift crazy to send 2 million "value"

Seductive words. 7 days 7 days hotel members of the club, it introduced a number of member benefits and membership reward points program, has the largest membership system in the industry, more than 3 million members, more than 100 million consumer members.
    In the economy hotel industry, through Ctrip, eLong website to promote the practice of many hotels take for granted. 7 days hotel to get rid of the dependence of the intermediary agent, seven days hotel since it was founded in 2005 rely on to take membership marketing and self-development

E-business to promote, directly to consumers, to avoid the agents, not only significant savings in distribution costs, but also has a large loyal customer base. 7 days hotel members to implement a low-cost, under the premise of ensuring profits, profit to

Customers, and through e-commerce systems, direct to consumer marketing, shortening the service process, so that the service easier, more standardized.
    7 days hotel e-commerce marketing model has been called the "mouse + cement", which uses electronic technology, network technology, armed the traditional hotel industry to improve service standards. To this end, seven days hotel is independently developed a set of IT-based IT e-commerce platform

Set up the first set of the Internet, call center, SMS, mobile WAP and shop management system as a whole, with instant booking confirmation and payment functions, so that consumers whenever and wherever they can easily, quickly and easily query , book a room

. 7 Days Inn hotel chains only be able to site the domestic hotel industry and hotel database completely docked, it can provide four kinds of order, including online booking, booking hotline, the WAP booking and SMS booking. In addition, the seven days the hotel was still a

VI of the hotel is built on a platform to design the various branches of the operating system, including the shop quality control, promote the development of assessment and financial flow management, engineering, procurement, human resources system.
    7 days hotel online payment, network marketing, and so a series of collaborative innovation practices. For example, third-party online payment platform TenPay cooperation, so that guests have a safe and a variety of online banking to pay channels; and well-known communities End of the World

, The neighbor network, providing e-commerce population, allowing guests to experience the hotel e-commerce; website inquiries and life consultation search platform to cool rapidly, word of mouth network, train times, flying Friends Network, as well as credit cards and personal finance products to promote the website provider Solutia Inc. co-

For a more convenient and personalized service for guests. Through cross-cutting, not only to the guests the best service experience, while fostering the guests to develop e-commerce spending habits.
    Statistics show that in the total trading volume in the seven days hotel, more than 50% of the booking through the network. This proportion is the highest in all the budget hotels. With the arrival of the 3G era, seven days hotel opened SMS booking

Phone WAP online booking, guests book a room more then, quick. That the skilled members in just 15 seconds you can complete the booking. 7 days hotel has more than 300 stores.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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