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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-13 14:51:44 查看次数:

    Knowledge of hotel marketing concept!
  1, social marketing-oriented
    Since the 1970s, the development of human society is facing a series of problems: rapid population growth, the increasingly serious environmental pollution, resource over-exploitation of a high degree of inflation poses a serious impact to the social and economic development. People

More and more clearly recognize the importance of environmental protection and resource conservation, social marketing concept came into being in such a case.
    This notion that exposure to the social system into the hotel, in the pursuit of economic efficiency of enterprises, must conform their conduct to the needs of the entire social and economic development must contribute to the development of society as a whole. The hotel should be concurrently

Customers, hotels, social three benefits.
    At present, many hotels in these areas were adjusted accordingly. In order to reduce deforestation, such as some hotels and save paper, using recycled toilet paper; some hotels are placed in the room brochure, promoting the protection of the environment and resources

Routine methods, such as conservation of water resources and reduce the number of washing cotton goods, the abolition of one-time dental equipment, etc.; employees to participate in tree planting activities.
    The above describes the evolution of the concept of hotel market operators. At present, China's hotel industry has been widely accepted business concept of marketing orientation and social marketing orientation, and use it to guide the operation and management of the hotel to enhance the quality of the product.

Improve the level of service.
  2, the marketing-oriented
    The emergence of marketing-oriented and the following background: the rapid development of science and technology, productivity higher than ever before, the intense market competition intensifies, consumer demand for an increasingly diverse and personalized, leading to oversupply or supply and demand in the wrong way, the entire market into

A seller's market. Simple marketing efforts and can not guarantee guest satisfaction, increase sales; the contrary, due to an oversupply of competitors recount guests facing more and more choices, they often can take time to select that best meet their own needs

Ask the hotel. In this case, the hotel is only according to the needs of the guests to organize production, sales, to take more effective measures than their competitors in order to meet the needs of guests.
    The marketing concept that, "guests need, hotel on the production, sales, and meet customer needs, the hotel a top priority. Hotel marketers first consider what is not available for sale, but guests of the hotel

Needs. Understanding of guest needs, and strive to meet the needs of the guests, the hotel in order to gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition, access to development. Thus, the "customer first", "the customer is always right" concept is widely spread, deeply rooted.
    China's hotel industry into the 1990s, the hotel market oversupply, the hotel began to gradually integrated the use of a variety of marketing tools and understand the needs of guests, guests' needs, transforming the old products and develop new products,

Improve product quality, to meet the needs of the guests. Concepts and methods of marketing for the hotel industry recognized hotel market behavior from simple sales to the investigation, research, forecasting market demand, to design their own products and to adjust their production

Product structure, target marketing and promotional strategies, and forecast the future potential market and pre-nurturing, focus on the reflection of the guests of the hotel product quality, focus on service.
    In the evolution of the business concept of the hotel market, the emergence of the concept of marketing orientation is a real revolution, the concept of marketing orientation is a modern concept of market operators, hotel first concern is customer demand, market ability, according to customer needs

Adjust the product, and improve service. In contrast, the traditional concept of market operation (production-oriented, product-oriented, marketing-oriented) that production of the first hotel priority to produce enough products to meet market demand, or a medical insurance reform,

Method to find customers for the products they have produced. The modern concept of market operators and the traditional concept of market operators are essentially different.
(The era of China by the Shenzhen VI design www.hotelcis.com [and] to provide reproduced please specify source)


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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