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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-03-03 14:58:32 查看次数:







The Shangqiu hotel marketing, to master one of the marketing concept!

To comb sold to the monks
    What is marketing? The answer to this question varied, different people give different interpretations.
    In the eyes of ordinary people, marketing and product recommendations linked to the Marketing is to sell more products, advertising, promotion, discount, buy one get one of the types of activities; and marketing staff, but some took guests and patiently the recommendation of product benefits.

    In the writer's pen, marketing is the golden key to open the door to wealth and waving a magic wand, with God's function. Writers for us spoke a lot of marketing story, following this most legendary:

    Is well known that the comb is used to comb the hair, while the monk is a bald, no comb, comb sold monk counterintuitive. Most people think is impossible, but there are well versed in the marketing of the Road is not only to comb sold to the monks, and the temple became the long-term orders to their customers, make the impossible may become a reality.

    Monk how to buy a comb? One day, a marketing staff paid a visit to a Yan prestigious incense very busy deep in the mountains pagoda in a temple, the abbot said: "who came to the pilgrimage, many a pious heart of the pagoda in a temple should be rebates, bless peace peace auspicious, to encourage more do good things and I have a number of comb your calligraphy superior, can be engraved with the words of the 'charitable comb', and then as a gift, "the abbot, after hearing the joyful, and immediately bought in summer 1000 comb. The charitable comb "a mass 10, 10 pass 100 pilgrims, incense even more vigorously. Thus, the abbot re-orders. Suddenly, the monk bought a comb, marketing staff pocketed the tickets.

    The Butterfly Effect pat wings of a butterfly in the distant South American Amazon River Basin rainforest, Texas, USA, a tornado may be caused in January. It seems to the writer, marketing is like the butterfly effect would only gestures of the mysterious butterflies, marketers will tend for the enterprise, product, market and bring unexpected changes.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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