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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-02-24 22:47:16 查看次数:





Changzhi image design of the hotel industry deepen understanding!

   Shanxi Changzhi this region, the hotel industry is very fast, very many rich people in this place, some big boss in the present society, it will important to hotels and commercial real estate development, the development of these brands up, so deepening the development of hotel industry in this place, for the services of local leaders and social groups.

    Changzhi Hotel VI design is the image of the design of the hotel, the hotel brand designed to make a very important decision-oriented design of the hotel to deepen open to let the three-dimensional face of the brand to make a very important decision, so that the overall image of the internationalization of the hotel, in the overall design process, designed to push the entire Shanxi Province, to drive when the economic characteristics of these brands are established in order to achieve a very powerful help.

    Shanxi Taiyuan hotel industry is very developed, and now the hotel opened as much as can be seen very much, and the development of various regions of city, have opened the door of the design hotel brand creative, and into the district capital, the hotel brand and guides design do very creative and people level, the old 100 there is experience, and allow enterprises to get the strong development of the space. Some coal into the multi-aspects of the development plan of the development of a variety of modes, the main real estate funds will shift to commercial real estate development, the diversification of these enterprises, so that will be bigger and stronger.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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