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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-02-01 22:36:11 查看次数:





VI design 2012 Sanming hotel positioning latest exhibition

 VI design company Sanming hotel Sanming City and the times for the target audience of urban development for the hotel industry in Sanming City's contribution for a range of activities, Sanming City Hotel VI design to create the overall brand creative way.

     Sanming corporate image design company very little, and age group for whom the hotel Sanming, we will Sanming VI design hotel in the end, here we Sanming City development goals well, the overall development of the New Year planning to do, the hotel Sanming VI and the image of the hotel project planning and design guides, hotel in Sanming City urban Planning and Design of LOGO functional, industry focused, good ecological environment, the natural harmony of man and society and the modernization of medium-sized the city. To achieve the standard star urban planning program.

     Hotel in Sanming VI design companies, and the Times Group will design branches in Sanming, better use of services for the city of Sanming, 2020, Sanming urban area will reach 80 square kilometers and a population of 60 million people in central city urbanization level of 80% or more. Here reflect the true Sanming city planning and development plan. Will become a famous manufacturing base Fujian, tourism city, the national green eco-tourism city, west side of the inland cities and economic centers with a new regional transportation hub city, the Sanming into a "connect the coastal, inland radiation, surrounding economic linkage areas of cooperation, "an important regional center cities. The hotel industry to do together to achieve a certain amount of image of the hotel project, hotel industry is from here, the pace of the times from Shenzhen and out into the future.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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