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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-01-30 22:30:32 查看次数:





Hotel design and visual art form of art

     Hotel Art and Design is to a plan, plan, conceived by the creative vision of the changes in the shape of a variety of kinds, art, interior design in the hotel's facilities, the hotel's art in the hotel's interior design is very important to unique art design, it needs a unique hotel art creative design hotel with a personalized work of art is very distinctive.

     Creativity in the hotel into unique works of art, we all come in the form of communication activities in the process. The public through various changes in form, the human labor to transform the world by creating civilization, to create material wealth and spiritual wealth, these intangible assets on show to the audience and the community as a cultural product of the public, but the most basic and most important creative activities is creation. Is to take these ideas out of the hotel's art form has a very high-end product design, even pre-plan creation activities, any creature can plan activities to understand the planning process technology and design. This is what we need creative art design hotel the inevitable outcome.

     In our modern life, 2012's hotel industry among the people and the times to create works of art institutions, with the development of modern technology, the advent of the knowledge society, innovation and the evolution of form, we can give these creative design community contribute, and also by the work of professional designers to a broader evolution of user participation, user-centric, innovative design of the user in increasing attention to user experience as the core of the design to achieve a certain amount of creativity, designed not only to convey through the visual form, but also through hearing, smell, touch and convey it to create a certain senses. The cultural characteristics of the hotel to do our best so that the community can be recognized!

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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