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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-10-22 00:31:00 查看次数:





The professional designer's life fishing village wedding
    Out of home for many years, each home to see one by one nephew, also grew up in,
    During the Chinese New Year this year, there are five sister's daughter and sister's son married the daughter of five sister Huanhuan is lively elements, remember my brother got married, she is one of downtown's most Huan, is think of her own to the wife of , she is most like me to participate, but the work of reason, no time to go into a little disappointed
Sister's son to the military, I remember one year back home from school in Wenzhou, in the sister family to eat, to the military only in the distance Qieqie, looked at me to eat, many years later, he married the.

    Remember the sister got married, our family is relatively large wedding, when a fishing village girl Jia, depending on how much someone's standard of dowry, furniture, how many legs, how many beds are silk, sister married that day, very pretty dress, and then put in the lobby of my home altar, all the relatives and family members on each side to 3 cups of sister wedding, in fact, the parting of wine, although that time is not sensible, but in the joy, a little melancholy as a child, the number of the most diligent sister, and met a rainy day, always holding the umbrella to the sister school to pick me, so all of King finished wine, wedding team, they begin to start, colorful quilts and a variety of furniture , sewing machines, used by the military forces were brought temporarily tied together, it is good-looking, stretching hundreds of meters mighty team, all the way to start firecrackers constantly, I was a child on the island according to the recommendations of the wedding, with a friend, co- painted a large painting, called the longitude 123 degrees, there are islands in the middle of the screen the wedding scene.
Army wife to the girls in town, do not know how to know, quite a long delicate girl, to the military's marriage room is sister to sell second-hand housing in the city, Sanfangerting, brother to pay a little renovation , to sell some new furniture, but also quite impressive.

    Do wedding day. Sister home to a lot of relatives in the master bedroom, sisters discuss the package in the number of red envelope thing, another room is to the military uncle, grandmother and other relatives and friends, to see his grandmother, felt her old, 10 years ago, I sister often go home, and often get to take care of his grandmother.

    To the military's wedding, is a seafood restaurant in town do, and brother have long linked good restaurant owner, his brother himself with a lot of seafood, the wedding put up more than 10 tables, guests are also before the island relatives and friends, we are also seen for many years, along with Xu Xujiu.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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