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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-09-28 21:33:57 查看次数:





    Is a creative learning in the end what kind of courses?

    Creative learning in schools, art teachers, etc., mentioned the need for creative work, then we know more about it for the originality?

    Here today analysis of the creative word meanings in various designs, as the idea is to break the tradition, to break the routine of a philosophical discipline; it requires a great wisdom, a new idea, expand the development of an intelligent, good idea is an extension of a culture; he is also a good idea flash shock; is to make everyone think it is a new phase of things is that we have not seen everyday in a product or A new design thinking.

    He is a multi-faceted creative expression, whether big or small, can reflect the creative side of things the word is out beyond the usual thinking, ideas and thoughts, beyond self, beyond the conventional mind; as the design industry, then, should reflect the Creativity is very much, not only to reflect the creativity, but also need to learn the latest developments in the international arena, not only to follow behind with, but also go beyond the international, let your creativity to guide the development of the world, and guide and all around the world things, it is amazing economic cube; a think tank, think tanks, the energy release; such a depth of creativity, but with real-life practice together, let it play a role; companies often open in the design of some of the collision of the meeting thinking, let you, I share his wisdom, and docking; a product design is a creative project; it may be a way out of the company's development, many companies have encountered difficulties in the design company is looking for some ideas for enterprises to re-live it to create the company's future development. This is creative, full of novelty and creative ideas, these will slowly realize that you had things around.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)


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