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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-09-27 22:32:07 查看次数:





Signage design of the production process and the difference!

    As an enterprise VI design, signage production process of the deepening of design, signage in many designs, some of the designers in the creation of the time usually is not considered the issue of making bold ideas, creative play first extreme. And then there are the designer to identify the structural problems on the complete production process, the integrity of the structure, combined with the production phase, so that to achieve the identification card manufacturing process and design the perfect combination.

    As a Shenzhen company signage and design times, there were a complete systematic engineering, this series will take on the key points in place, but also in the guides also have a very high degree of design ideas generated. The difficulty of the production process and the degree of cost control, which have good accounting, good results do not necessarily have to spend high-cost, low cost flowers to attain high-quality feel, a lot of people say Hong Kong in the process, here the main is reflected in the degree of fine craftsmanship, every detail is done very perfect. Although the price is slightly higher, but the guarantee of quality is good, good process takes time, in the production, the time to give full, can not meet deadlines, working slowly and deliberately so, this is simply the truth.

    Here, the quality of Shenzhen, the country is also very most, many are in the process can be completed here, however, to draw up in the Mainland is a lot, think of but can not, that the mainland has a lot of hotels and real estate developers in Shenzhen will create. This is a very good choice Oh, Shenzhen and times for your professional service!

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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