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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-08-20 23:30:50 查看次数:

Posted on贴在 June 3, 20112011年6月3日||Category:类别: Branding品牌


安阳酒店标识牌设计Image via Wikipedia图像通过维基百科
This question is one that is crucial to building any type of brand, and yet small business owners all over the UK would have trouble answering it. 这个问题是一个至关重要的任何类型的品牌建设,但小企业主全英国的生活会有困难就回答了这个问题。Before you make major decisions about marketing, branding, or even your在你面前做重大决定营销、品牌、或甚至你logo design标志设计, you must know exactly who these materials are aimed at. ,你必须知道到底谁这些材料的目标。Diet Coke is one company that has struggled to identify and reach out to their market.减肥可乐是一家曾艰难地试图识别并伸出自己的市场。

Diet Coke has long known that their target market is women. 安阳酒店标识牌设计一直知道他们的目标市场是女性。Getting narrower than this has proven difficult due to the many reasons a person might choose diet soda. 越来越窄,比这已证明的原因有很多困难的,因为一个人可能会选择饮食苏打水。The这brand品牌used a Diet Coke hunk in 2007, then switched to an ad campaign featuring Duffy in 2009. 使用可乐,又在2007人转向广告宣传展示杜飞在2009年。Neither campaign was as successful in the UK as the company would like. 既不运动是成功的在英国公司想。However, the brand is trying out a new identity that just might appeal to a core market that they have previously ignored: fashionistas.然而,品牌尝试一个新身份可能就会吸引更多的核心市场,他们以前忽略:fashionistas。

This new audience may prove to be a very appropriate one for the drink brand. 这个新的听众可能是一个非常合适的饮料品牌。What better reason to drink Diet Coke than an attempt to fit into your favourite designer jeans or look great in this season’s trends? 还有什么更好的理由去喝减肥可乐尝试适合你的最喜欢的名牌牛仔裤或看起来很棒在这个赛季的趋势呢?With the strapline, ‘a lighter approach to fashion’, Diet Coke is present itself as a drink for women who care passionately about their appearance. 这个专栏还的方法”,这是一个时尚的轻,减肥可乐是目前自己喝的女人热切地关心他们的外观。The new marketing programme will be a major part of brand advertisements, signage, packaging, and even digital media.新的市场营销计划的一部分将会是一个重大的品牌广告、门楣、包装、甚至数码媒体。

Fashionistas are a discerning market, so Diet Coke has had to think outside the box in reaching out to this market. Fashionistas是一个挑剔的市场,所以减肥可乐已经跳出框框来思考在达到了这个市场。In addition to traditional marketing, the soft drink is sponsoring London fashion Week and planning a promotion with Asos.com. 除了传统的营销、软饮料发起伦敦时装周计划Asos.com和促进。Three limited edition bottles were designed by Karl Lagerfeld along with accessories such as a top, a scarf, and a handbag. 三个限量版的瓶均出自卡尔·拉格菲尔德连同其他附件例如一名一条围巾,和一个手提包。Lagerfeld also helped to create the outdoor poster campaign for Diet Coke, using come of the UK’s most recognizable faces. 也有助于创造·拉格菲尔德的户外运动减肥可乐海报,使用来的英国最知名的脸。This campaign will be introduced this summer.这次竞选将被介绍了这个夏季。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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