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来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-10 11:00:03 查看次数:


Posted on贴在 September 20, 20102010年9月20日||Category:类别: UK Brand Logos英国商标

Regardless of your personal feelings about Marmite, there is no denying that this product has a strong group of fans. 铜川酒店VI不管你的个人感受Marmite,无可否认,这种产品有一群有能力的球迷。Marmite is a UK classic, and just about everyone has a strong opinion about it. 是一个英国的Marmite经典,只是对每一个人都有一个强大的对这件事的看法。For people who love this yeasty spread, new delights may be in store with Unilever’s newest product, Marmite XO. 对于那些喜欢这个酵母蔓延,新的愉快可能会在商店的,与联合利华的最新产品,Marmite XO。If you are a Marmite fan, there is a good chance you already know this due to the social media campaign that introduced this extra-strong, extra-aged version of Marmite.如果你是一个Marmite球迷,很有可能你已经知道这由于社会媒体的宣传活动,介绍了这个强力,extra-aged版本的Marmite。

How does a major company begin to woo a fickle public and get exposure for a new一个大公司如何开始吸引一个善变的公众和得到一个铜川酒店VI新的曝光brand品牌and和logo design标志设计? 吗?First, with the help of a marketing agency, Marmite identified their core group of fans, who were cleverly called ‘The Marmarati’. 首先,的帮助下,Marmite营销机构确认他们的核心群球迷,他们的Marmarati巧妙地称为“”。These fanatical fans were invited to work with teams at Marmite to develop the branding and marketing of Marmite XO, as well as the actual product development.这些狂热的球迷应邀参加工作和来自Marmite发展铜川酒店VI品牌和营销Marmite XO,以及实际产品开发。

How were these fans identified? 这些球迷是如何识别?Marmite decided to launch a contest that would stretch the limits of any fan: a contest for the best artwork, such as photographs, poetry, or even films related to the spread or its logo design. Marmite决定发动一场竞赛的范围会躺了一场竞赛,为球迷:最好的艺术品,如照片、诗歌、甚至电影传播或者其有关logo的设计。The winners of this contest became the ‘First Circle’ of the campaign. 此次大赛的冠军成为“第一个圆形的竞选。A ‘Second Circle’ was later added of two hundred other fans who had not fared so well in the contest.“第二圈的后来补充说,二百个其他的球迷并没有表现得那么好参加比赛。

This is the first time a UK brand and logo design have been launched entirely by social media, so marketing experts all over the nation were watching with interest. 这是第一次英国品牌和标识语设计展开了,所以完全是由社会媒体营销专家所有民族都在饶有兴趣地关注着。So far, the effort has been entirely successful. 到目前为止,的努力是完全成功的。The fans who might have rejected offhand any imitation of original Marmite instead are embracing Marmite XO. 球迷们可能会拒绝任何模仿原始Marmite简慢则反而被拥抱Marmite XO。By giving fans a stake in the brand and the logo design from its very inception, Marmite was guaranteeing a dedicated fan base.通过给球迷利益铜川酒店VI品牌和铜川酒店VI标识语设计从其产生至今,Marmite是保证一个专门的乐迷。



However, the company isn’t the only one to benefit from this new marketing strategy. 不过,该公司不是唯一一个受益于这种新的营销策略。Dedicated users of a brand are often frustrated by their lack of input into new products. 品牌的专用用户通常所带来的挫折感缺乏投入新产品。After all, we live in a culture where people are used to having a say in almost every aspect of their lives. 毕竟,我们生活在一种文化,在人们已经习惯于一个几乎在每一个方面说他们的生活。The UK ‘Marmarati’ in this case were not just a valuable tool for the company; they also were able to help create a product that they could wholeheartedly embrace.英国的Marmarati’在这种情况下,不仅仅是一个有价值的工具,也为公司能够帮助渭南酒店LOGO设计创造一个产品,他们可以全心全意拥抱。

While many UK companies are attempting to harness the power of social media, this is the first time social networking has been used to launch a product. 虽然许多英国公司正试图利用社交媒体的力量,这是第一次社交已经用来发射一个产品。Unilever has seen such success with this approach that they are planning to expand it to other products. 联合利华见过这么成功,这种做法,他们计划扩展到其他产品。A similar programme is already underway for Lynx Twist. 一个类似的计划已经进行了猞猁扭曲。The strategy is not limited to launches; Unilever is also creating social networking groups for fans of its existing products, putting the brand and logo design of many popular goods in the public eye.策略并不局限于发射,联合利华也正在创建社交团体的歌迷们,将其现有产品的渭南酒店LOGO设计品牌和标识语设计的许多流行的货物在公众的视线。

While copying the Marmite approach would not be wise for many companies, it calls attention to the potential of social media for not just marketing your UK brand and logo design, but for using your customers’ experiences to create new products. 当复制Marmite不明智的做法,对于许多公司来说,它要求注意潜在的社会媒体的不只是你的英国渭南酒店LOGO设计品牌营销和标识语设计,但用你的客户的经验,创造出新的产品。In this case, Marmite XO may not end up being a rousing success, but it is beginning its lifespan on the grocery store shelves with a significant following.在这种情况下,Marmite XO不可能最终被休斯顿参加一个热烈的成功,但它正开始在杂货店货架寿命具有以下。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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