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抚州酒店VI设计公司 劳拉的弹性阿什利抚州品牌设计公司保持活力

fuzhoujiudianVIshejigongsi laoladedanxingashilifuzhoupinpaishejigongsibaochihuoli

来源:【人和时代·中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2011-06-15 23:44:11 查看次数:

Another key brand asset is the品牌资产是另一个关键logo design标志设计.Although it has changed slightly over the years, the Laura Ashley虽然它改变了稍多年来,劳拉阿希礼clothing logo design服装标识语设计has always been an instant classic. 一直是个现成经典。It has always relied upon merely the company name written in newsy, thin lettering that is classic and even a little plain. 它一直仅仅依赖于公司的名字写在newsy、薄刻字那古典还有一点平原。The light sea foam green colour that is now often seen in the fashion logo design is one often seen in the products as well. 绿色光海上的泡沫现在经常看到色彩在时尚抚州酒店VI标识语设计是一个经常出现在产品。This logo design lets customers know key information about the company, which is a huge advantage in the competitive UK market.这个标志设计使消费者了解有关公司的关键信息,这是一个巨大的优势在激烈的竞争中英国市场。

An important part of the brand is its versatility.一个重要的组成部分,是其多样化抚州VI品牌。Because the brand is based more upon quality textiles and a certain style than on any particular product, the company is free to modify their range of offerings based on the ever changing current trends. 因为品牌是根据在纺织品和一个特定的风格质量比在任何特定的产品,本公司是自由地去修改他们的各种祭基于千变万化的当前的趋势。It is notable that the business began making tea towels, segued to women’s fashion, added a children’s line, and now is focusing mainly on furnishings—all without compromising the essence of the brand. 值得注意的是,生意开始制作茶巾、segued以女式时装,增加了孩子的路线,现在是主要侧重在furnishings-all没有妥协的本质的品牌。The flexibility of the Laura Ashley brand allows this company to maintain viability as the market for their products changes over time, while also introducing new lines at a relatively rapid rate.抚州VI设计公司 劳拉的弹性阿什利抚州品牌设计公司保持活力的市场对他们的产品会随著时间改变,同时引入新的行以一种相对迅速增长。

The result?结果呢?After fifty-six years of being a business, Laura Ashley is still seeing steady increases in sales while many competitors can barely keep their doors open. 五十六年成为后,劳拉科尔是业务仍有温定销售的同时许多竞争对手勉强能保持他们的门打开。In fact, company sales rose 8.8 percent over the past nineteen weeks. 事实上,公司销售额增长了8.8%在过去的周。While the company has had rough patches and management problems, the strength and versatility of the brand along with the professional logo design have virtually ensured success. 同时,公司有粗糙补丁和管理上的问题,力量和多样化随着品牌的专业的抚州VI标志设计几乎没有保证成功。This is a success story that every UK business can learn from.这是一个成功的故事,每个英国商界能从他们身上学到东西。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代·中国】 http://www.hotelvi.com 作者:先锋)

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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    酒店VI设计( http://www.hotelvi.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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酒店logo设计,高尔夫标志,商标设计,抚州酒店VI设计公司 劳拉的弹性阿什利抚州品牌设计公司保持活力